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Entering Downtime Events

At the end of a production shift or when the machine goes down, any user can enter the downtime event.
Our interface is easy to follow and with only a few steps the information is entered and saved.
  • Go to the Main Menu. On the View or Add Downtime Data box, enter the Date, select the Shift, and select the Machine to report downtime events.
  • Click on the View/Add button to go to the Downtime Entry page.
  • If the machine selected has work order tracking:
    • Click Add Work Order.
    • Enter a Work Order number, a Product or List Number, the Net Units produced, and the Rejects or defective units produced during the selected shift. You can leave any of these shifts at their default value '0' and later update them. For example, if it is the start of the shift, you may leave net units and rejects at 0 and update these fields anytime during the shift.
    • When finished, click on the Add button to save your data.
    • At this point you have created a work order.
  • To add downtime events, click 'Add Downtime'.
    • From the add downtime page: select a Downtime Category, enter a Cause or reason for the downtime, the amount of Downtime in minutes, the Corrective Action or solution to the problem, and Corrected By (the person responsible for correcting the problem).
    • To ensure the integrity of downtime tracking by shift, your reported downtime cannot exceed the total available time in the shift. The time remaining on a shift is listed next to the downtime entry field.
    • Click Add to save your downtime event.
    • Click Cancel to return without saving your downtime event.
  • Repeat this process until all downtime events have been entered.